Maybe your ancestor is on this list of veterans who served in the Northampton County Revolutionary War Militia.

LMT Veterans Program 2020 (Virtual)
We are very grateful for Captain Richard Buss's diligent research and preparation of each of the Veteran's biographies that are in our collection.
Honoring Our Veterans - 2016 Program
Bert Winzer, U.S. Army 1942-1945, recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal
Bert Winzer, U.S. Army 1942-1945, recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal

The Lower Macungie Township Historical Society has begun a project to preserve the history of veterans who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States from the time of the Revolutionary War to those currently serving around the world today.
Our goal is to assemble a comprehensive collection of photographs, along with biographical sketches, for as many veterans as possible who have lived in Lower Macungie Township at any time in their lives. This information will then be made available to current and future generations for research into this important aspect of our community's history.
If you have lived in Lower Macungie Township at any time in your life and would like to be included in this historical collection, please download the form, and follow the instructions. Family members are also welcome to send information about veterans. If you would like additional information, please contact us at [email protected].
If you know of anyone else who has served or had an ancestor or relative who has served in the Armed Forces, please let them know about this project!
Download the biographical information form here (pdf file).
The following are biographies that we have been able to complete to date with the help of the veterans themselves, when possible, and their loved ones:
Acker, William Henry Harrison
Albright, Wilbur Carl
Angstadt, John Henry
Angstadt, William Earl
Backenstoe, Warren Benjamin
Balliet, Franklin
Bandura, Stephen Dennis Jr.
Bandura, Stephen Dennis Sr.
Bandura, William Walter Sr.
Bartholomew, Craig Lee
Bastian, Robert Elias
Bausman, James Warren
Beidleman, Robert Henry
Beitler, Donald William
Berkemeyer, Donald Charles
Berkemeyer, Richard Gerald
Berry, Maurice
Bieber, Forrest Charles
Bieber, Guy Robert
Bieber, Harold Jeremiah
Bieber, Herbert John
Bieber, Leon Earl
Bieber, Ray Leiby
Bieber, Russel Llewelyn
Bieber, Scott Cope
Blatt, Edward J
Blattenberger, Benjamin Richard
Bohrer, Robert John
Buchin, Harry
Bush, Charles Freeman
Bush, Howard Daniel
Bush, Roy Samuel
Buss, Henry Joseph
Buss, Richard Henry
Buss, Timothy Paul
Butz, Donald Charles
Butz, Earl Howard Milton
Butz, George Victor
Butz, George Washington
Butz, Richard Harry
Cameron, Leon Edward
Carson, Richard Arthur
Cassell, Calvin Ray
Cella, Frank George
Chwastiak, Michael
Chwastiak, Steve
Crompton, Charles William
Davis, Matthew Brien
Decker, William Ray
DeFrain, Clifford Wilbert
Deibert, Charles Edward
Deibert, George Solomon
Deibert, Michael Edward
Deibert, William Franklin Jr.
DeLong, Paul Alfred Jr.
Deysher, Joseph Anthony
Dickinson, Whitford
Diefenderfer, Gottfried
Diehl, Marvin Albert
Dikeman, Kenneth Lawrence
Donio, John Michael
Dorney, Richard Paul
Dorney, William Kenneth
Dries, Lawrence Thomas
Druckenmiller, Kent
Duchodni, William Floyd
Dunbar, Robert Earl
Durback, Kathleen (Swank)
Dwyer, John James
Eisenhard, Horace Paul
Esposito, Anthony A
Fackler, William Charles
Findlay, Charles Henry
Fink, Allen Daniel
Fink, Dale Allen
Fink, Martin Henry
Frankenfield, Ralph Guy
Frankenfield, Robert Daniel
Fritz, Joshua
Fulmer, Dwight Lewis
Fulmer, Franklin Lewis
Funk, LaMar Arthur
Gehman, Dennis Earl
Gehman, Homer Daniel
Gehman, Warren David
Graham, John Weist
Greenawalt, Walter Grim
Greenzweig, Barbara Lynn (Deibert)
Guldin, Charles Franklin
Guth, Russell R G
Gutman, Mathias F
Haas, Judith Ann Jackson
Haines, Paul Kenneth
Hart, John Thomas
Hartzell, Alfred Daniel
Hartzell, John Adam
Hartzell, Russell Richard
Heffelfinger, Dennis Ray Sr.
Heffner, Donald Freeman
Hein, Dennis William
Heist, Dale Robert
Heist, Earl Oliver
Heist, Morgan Reuben
Heist, Paul Martin
Heist, Robert Ernest
Heist, Wilbur Richard
Henry, Edward Francis
Hiskey, Charles H.
Hiskey, William H.
Hoffman, Erwin A.
Hoffman, Lamont Lewis
Hoffman, Norman Charles
Hoffman, Robert J.
Hoffman, Russell Frederick
Hoffman, Wilbert Oliver
Horlacher, Ray A.
Huber, Clarence Sterling
Huber, LeRoy Arthur
Hunsberger, Edwin Franklin
Ibach, Bruce Daniel
Ibach, Daniel Sherman
Ibach, John Daniel Jr.
Ibach, Robert Ray Sr.
Illari, Peter Joseph
Jackson, Charles Loyd II
Jackson, Charles Loyd
Jackson, Judith Ann Haas
Jarrett, Phaon
Johnson, Samuel Alan
Johnson, Willis H.
Kauffman, Robert Franklin
Kauffman, Russell William
Kemmerer, Mary Louise
Kemmerer, Samuel
Kern, Edwin Jacob
Kern, Oliver George
Kern, Thomas Isadore Jr.
Kester, John Arthur
Kline, Charles James Jr.
Kline, Charles James Sr.
Klocek, Joseph John
Knappenberger, Walter G
Knauss, Jack Heil
Koch, Curtis Lamar
Koch, Warren Clifford Benjamin
Kolb, Elwood H.
Kramer, Kenneth Wesley
Kuchinos, Walter
Kuhns, Keith David
Kuhns, Robert Frederick
Kuhns, Robert Lee
Kuhns, Rodney Jay
Kuhns, Samuel Harry
Lawall, Thomas Royston
Leibensperger, Ray Allen
Lentz, Joseph Stephen
Lewis, Ralph Emerson
Lichtenwalner, Hope Telford
LiPuma, Eugene Michael
Litzenberger, Ernest Stephan
Litzenberger, Richard Howard
Litzenberger, Stanley Raymond
Long, Donald Llewellyn
Mantz, Edmund William
Marsteller, Alvin Franklin
Marsteller, Edwin Charles
McDermott, Gene
McNabb, Allen Paul
Meck, John William
Michael, Gloria Anna-nee Kuhns
Michael, Leo Franklin
Miller, Adam D.
Miller, Albert Noah
Miller, Donald Edwin
Miller, Kenneth Morris
Miller, Kermit Franklin
Miller, Richard Austin
Miller, Robert Charles Franklin
Miller, William Henry
Mohan, Stephen Christopher
Mohr, Raymond Thomas
Mohr, Richard Harold
Moll, Harold Charles
Moon, Willis Richard
Moring, Platte Boyd III
Moyer, Franklin Wilson
Neil, Terrence Richard Jr.
Neil, Terrance Richard Sr.
Newcomer, Charles Samuel
Newcomer, David Owen
Newcomer, Owen Samuel
Newcomer, Ronald Alan
Newhard, Dorothy Rosa, nee Schellenberger
Oberholzer, Frederick Aloyious
Olson, Douglas Manning
Peters, Andrew Dean
Peters, Charles David Jr.
Peters, Ray Francis Jr.
Peterson, Robert William
Plarr, Robert Jacob
Price, Roy Henry
Raedler, Michael
Rauch, Stephen Paul
Readler, Howard David
Reichenbach, Bruce Rallen
Reinhard, Layard Henninger
Reinheimer, George Eugene
Reitz, Theodore Henry
Rohrbach, Herbert George
Romig, Philip Curtis
Roth, Gerald Robert
Roth, James William
Ruff, Sterling E.
Schaffer, John Harvey
Schaffer, Roland Stanley
Schantzenbach, Charles Henry
Schellenberger, Dorothy Rosa
Schellenberger, James Ash
Schellenberger, Paul Joseph
Schlegel, Robert Franklin
Schmeyer, Michael
Schmick, Howard Archie
Schmick, Richard Ralph
Schmoyer, Bruce Douglas
Schmoyer, Floyd Carl
Schmoyer, Merritt C.
Schmoyer, Vernon M.
Schnyder, Blair Thomas
Schoch, Marvin Walter
Schroeder, Wallace William
Schueck, Lloyd Elwood
Sechler, Clarence Charles
Sechler, Stanley Raymond
Seedorff, Barbara Mary
Sharkey, Peter Anthony
Sheaffer, Lawrence Dale
Shiffert, Peter
Sholl, Boyd Wilson
Shuler, Horace Thamus
Smith, Cody Heber
Smith, Herbert Paul
Smith, Laird Paul
Smith, Merritt James
Smith, Paul V D
Speer, Frank Eugene
Stahl, Paul Daniel
Stahler, Harold W
Stauffer, Elmer Herbert
Stauffer, Kenneth Harry
Stauffer, Oscar Franklin
Stauffer, Stanley Samuel
Stephan, Johann Adam
Stephan, Johann Jacob Jr.
Stephen, Joseph
Stephen, Paul John
Stephens, Allen H
Stephens, Ellis Hunsicker
Stewart, John Witter
Stoneback, Arthur Darious
Strohl, Marvin
Tercha, Daniel
Terfino, John
Thomas, Willet Edwin
Toth, Mary Ertl
Toth, Walter William
Trexler, Lloyd Harold
Trexler, Wesley M.
Tunitis, Edmund J.
Wagner, James Clinton
Warmkessel, Ellis Roland
Weber, Dean Harvey
Wenninger, Harley John
Werner, Wilmer Lewis
Wert, Barton E.
Wert, David Alan
Wert, James Michael
Wert, James Samuel
Wetzel, Alton Oliver Sr.
Wetzel, William Charles Jr.
Wieand, John Elias
Winders, John Joseph Jr.
Winzer, Bertram S.
Wirth, Alfred J. Sr.
Xander, Donald Leroy
Yenser, Frederick Charles
Yenser, Robert Lee
Yenser, Robert S.
Zaimis, John
Ziegler, Wayne Clinton
Replacement military medals, ribbons, patches, etc. are available at: www.MilitaryVetsPX.com